Prosthetics on dental implants in Rome

Missing teeth must be replaced immediately to avoid further damage and negative consequences on oral health. Contact us for a free check-up

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Missing teeth should be replaced immediately

This is why...

Numerous factors affect whether or not a tooth can be saved: age, caries, fractures, disease or accident, etc. In the event that extraction cannot be avoided, tooth replacement must be timely to avoid further damage and negative consequences on oral health. 

What happens when a missing tooth is not immediately replaced? Neighbouring teeth begin to move to occupy the empty space left by the tooth and those in the opposite arch tend to move down or up to find occlusal contact. These shifts can cause damage to other teeth and promote the development of periodontal disease, in the worst case leading to the extraction of additional teeth.

Once the tooth has been extracted, the bone surrounding the root will begin to resorb and in a few months a large amount of it will disappear. It is a pity that this is the bone into which the implant will be inserted and without which the implant cannot be performed without having aesthetically poor or unfunctional results!!! It is therefore vital to replace missing teeth immediately to avoid:

  • the loss of bone that would otherwise have to be reconstructed by the dentist;
  • greater difficulties during surgery;
  • higher costs..

While waiting for the implant to be performed, it will be necessary to insert a temporary tooth in the space created by the missing tooth in order to prevent soft tissue collapse and bone resorption. For more information, contact our dental practice on the Via Casilina in Rome!

What is an implant?

An implant is a small screw made of titanium, a material that is biocompatible with the tissues of the oral cavity, with a conical or cylindrical shape that is anchored in the bone of the jaw or jawbone in order to replace the natural root of the missing tooth. Implants can support a single capsule, a bridge consisting of several elements or an entire arch. They can last a long time as long as the patient performs constant and correct home cleaning of the oral cavity and visits their dentist for regular check-ups and plaque and tartar removal.

Installation of prostheses on implants

Application of any type of dental prosthesis


Dr Giuseppe Ortuso's dental practice in Rome specialises in the application of prostheses on implants. Prostheses on implants are crowns or a total prosthesis screwed onto several implants (minimum 4 per arch) allowing correct chewing between the upper jaw and lower jaw. Otherwise they are bridges where the abutments are previously inserted implants that naturally replace the missing elements in the oral cavity. For more information on the services offered by the Ortuso dental practice, you can contact the dental office closest to you; the offices, affiliated with various institutions, are in Rome, in Via Napoli or in the Casilina area. Contact us for implantology services in Rome.

Need a consultation with a dentist in Rome or a free quotation? Contact us now!

Need a consultation with a dentist in Rome or a free quotation? Contact us now!

If you did not find the answer you were looking for or need a consultation with our dentists or a free quotation, do not hesitate to contact us. 

You can call us directly at the following numbers or send us an email using the contact form.

Call the dentist in the city centre of Rome. Our dentist offices are located in Rome, at Via Napoli 65 and Via Benetti 8.
Via Napoli office Via Benetti office

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